Create a social sharing applications - replace whatsapps, tweets and your to-do-list with a dedicated to-view-list of shows, movies, articles that you would like to see or would recommend to one or many - friends/colleagues or those with shared interests.
Reative-native Expo with firebase
- Authentication (login/register with email-password)
- Responsive UI for all screens
- Add/update/delete entries
- Add Article/Book/Movie/Show - title, link, description, tags & type of link
- Mark entries from list as 'viewed'
- Tag items by freetext
- Sort entries by date added, alphabetical or reverse alpha.
- Search entries by title, description or tags
- Filter entries by entry type
- Filter entries by status (starred or viewed)
- Filter entries by tag
- Add existing items from an API (movies/tv/books)
- Bookmark/Star key shows
- Share viewed entries with friends
Env variable required
npm install
expo start