See here for a standalone pip package for superquantile learning in PyTorch.
This code provides an implementation of
(pronounced Simplicial-FL)
framework to handle device heterogeneity in federated learning.
This codebase is based on a fork of the Leaf benchmark suite
and provides scripts to reproduce the experimental results in the papers published in
IEEE CISS 2021 and
Springer Machine Learning Journal.
Please cite these papers if you find this repository useful.
title = {Federated Learning with Superquantile Aggregation for Heterogeneous Data},
author={Pillutla, Krishna and Laguel, Yassine and Malick, J{\'{e}}r{\^{o}}me and Harchaoui, Zaid},
journal = {Mach. Learn.},
year = {2023},
author = {Yassine Laguel and
Krishna Pillutla and
J{\'{e}}r{\^{o}}me Malick and
Zaid Harchaoui},
title = {{A Superquantile Approach to Federated Learning with Heterogeneous
booktitle = {55th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, {CISS}
2021, Baltimore, MD, USA, March 24-26, 2021},
pages = {1--6},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
year = {2021},
In case of queries or questions, please open a pull request or contact Yassine Laguel and Krishna Pillutla.
Federated Learning is a paradigm for training centralized machine learning models on data distributed over a large number of devices such as mobile phones.
This code compares the approach proposed in the accompanying paper
to the FedAvg algorithm (McMahan et al. 2017, referred to
here also as "Vanilla-FL").
The code has been developed from a fork of Leaf, commit
This code is written for Python 3.6+
and has been tested on PyTorch 1.0+.
A conda environment file is provided in
with all dependencies except PyTorch.
It can be installed by using
as follows
conda env create -f simplicial_fl.yml
To run the scripts below, activate the environment using
conda activate simplicial_fl
Installing PyTorch: Instructions to install a PyTorch compatible with the CUDA on your GPUs can be found here. Note that PyTorch can be installed without GPU support, and can be used to reproduce experiments from the paper. However, for speed of execution, it is highly recommended to enable GPU support for the neural network experiments on datasets EMNIST and Shakespeare.
The primary dependencies are PyTorch, Numpy, Scipy, Pillow, and Pandas. The code has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
The code base implements Vanilla-FL (FedAvg) and the frameworks.
The scripts here provide the data setup required for
three datasets --- EMNIST, Sent140, and Shakespeare (described below, see the section on "Data Setup").
The file models/
takes the following key arguments:
: the name of the dataset-model
: the name of the model--run_simplicial_fl
: if True, run, otherwise run Vanilla-FL (FedAvg)
: corresponds to (1-theta), where "theta" is the conformity level, as defined in the paper
There are a number of other arguments including the number of rounds, how often to evaluate, the number of devices per round, the learning rate, and other hyperparameters. See the scripts for full details.
For each dataset, we have two models, a linear model (usually logistic regression, Shakespeare dataset does not have a linear model) and a neural network model (ConvNet for EMNIST, LSTM for Sent140, and GRU for Shakespeare).
Below we give commands to download and preprocess the data as used in the paper.
- EMNIST (Called FEMNIST here)
- Overview: Character Recognition Dataset
- Details: 62 classes (10 digits, 26 lowercase, 26 uppercase), 3500 total users, 1730 users used for experiments
- Task: Image Classification
- Setup: Go to
and run the command (takes 2.5-3 hours and ~30G of disk space)
./ -s niid --sf 1.0 -k 100 -t user --tf 0.5
- Sent140
- Overview: Dataset of tweets of a given user and sentiment of the tweet
- Details: 877 users used for experiments
- Task: Sentiment Analysis (Binary Classification)
- Setup: Go to
and run the command (takes < 5 min and ~10M of disk space)
./ -s niid --sf 1.0 -k 50 -t user --tf 0.5
- Shakespeare
- Overview: Text Dataset of Shakespeare Dialogues
- Details: 2288 total users, 545 users used for experiments
- Task: Next-Character Prediction
- Setup: Go to
and run the command (takes 10-15 min and ~500M of disk space)
./ -s niid --sf 1.0 -k 100 -t user --tf 0.5
Once the data has been set up, the scripts provided in the folder scripts/
can be used
to reproduce the experiments in the paper.
Note that GPU computations are non-deterministic. Consequently, the neural network
experiments reported in the paper on the datasets EMNIST and Shakespeare,
which were run using GPUs, are not perfectly reproducible.
First, go to the folder models
and create the output directories by using
the following commands in the terminal
cd simplicial-fl/models
for dataset in femnist sent140 shakespeare
for model in linear nn
for method in vanilla_fl simplicial_fl
mkdir -p outputs/exp/${dataset}/${model}_${method}
Before the Sent140 experiments can be run, we must first download the GloVe embeddings. To this end, run (uses up to 2 GB in temporary space and takes < 5 minutes to execute)
Now, each script can be launched, e.g., as
This script launches on the Shakespeare data, the algorithm
using a neural network model in this case with a nonconformity level of 0.2.
Note that each script repeats the experiments for 5 different values of the random seed. To run all experiments, use the following commands:
for dataset in femnist sent140 shakespeare
for model in nn linear
# vanilla FL
bash ./scripts/exp/${dataset}/${model}_vanilla_fl/
# simplicial FL
for nonconformity_level in 0.2 0.5 0.9
bash ./scripts/exp/${dataset}/${model}_simplicial_fl/run_${nonconformity_level}.sh
Each experiment produces a CSV file named by the argument --output_summary_file
. Each line of this CSV file looks as follows:
n, "{'train_device_1': {'loss': 2.2334, 'accuracy': 0.6632}, 'train_device2': {'loss': 2.135, 'accuracy': 0.673}}", "{'test_device1': {'loss': 3.234, 'accuracy: 0.536}, 'test_device2': {'loss': 2.234, 'accuracy': 0.621}}"
The first item in each linea is the round number, while the the second item is a JSON containing the loss and accuracy on each train device, and the third item is the corresponding JSON for test devices.
If you found this repository useful, please cite these papers.
title = {Federated Learning with Superquantile Aggregation for Heterogeneous Data},
author={Pillutla, Krishna and Laguel, Yassine and Malick, J{\'{e}}r{\^{o}}me and Harchaoui, Zaid},
journal = {Mach. Learn.},
year = {2023},
author = {Yassine Laguel and
Krishna Pillutla and
J{\'{e}}r{\^{o}}me Malick and
Zaid Harchaoui},
title = {A Superquantile Approach to Federated Learning with Heterogeneous
booktitle = {55th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, {CISS}
2021, Baltimore, MD, USA, March 24-26, 2021},
pages = {1--6},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
year = {2021},