Web-application that calculates the approximate max legal price of any property that is used for living in the Netherlands. User can look up different information about the house such as total area, build year, WOZ value, energy label and energy Index. The application scrapes data from multiple publicly open databases, shows it and calculates the result based on it.
- Calculates rent price in the Netherlands
- Displays information about the property
- Shows all previous requests with according info
Put .env in the root directory. Format:
PORT = 10000
NODE_ENV = production OR development
npm i
to install dependencies
npm start
to start the server
cd frontend && npm run dev
to start the frontend
- server.js: server set up with express, has endpoint that takes address entered by the user and finds the data about it. Has multiple API requests.
- scrapeLogic.js: has functions that scrape websites listed below, to obtain information about the house.
- calculateRentPrice.js: sends API/scraped data to the spreadsheet that calculates the result
- main.js: makes an API call and displays the result in the frontend, has miscelaneous code for remembering last form input, loading animation, etc.
- Energy label API
- Energy index lookup website
- WOZ-waarde website
- Rijksmonumentenregister website
Main input form
Results display
Records of previous requests