the goal of this project is to be fed .torrent file, upload it to alldebrid, let alldebrid download it and upload to a direct download service and then use the debrided link to download the file.
1- complete config.ini file with api key
2- build docker image
docker build -t alldebrid-torrent-blackbox .
3- run docker image
docker run -v <directory on host to store .torrent file>:/etc/monit/ -v <directory on host to get downloaded files>:/etc/download/ -d alldebrid-torrent-blackbox:latest
alternatively you can build the image without the config.ini by deleting it and pass your alldebrid API key in the docker run command
docker run -v <directory on host to store .torrent file>:/etc/monit/ -v <directory on host to get downloaded files>:/etc/download/ -d alldebrid-torrent-blackbox:latest --api "XXXXXX"