Input: BAM files provided by TCAG for 3 normal, 3 diagnostic samples and 24 autopsy samples
- Ran Mutect2 which is optimized for identifying low frequency somatic variants
- Ran Manta to identify somatic structural variants for each sample
- Ran Strelka to idenify somatic SNVs for each sample
- Merge variants from Mutect2 and Strelka and apply further soft filters
- minimum depth of 60
- no indels
- no chromosome X and Y
- no population variants (Gnomad)
- minimum VAF of 0.1
- remove variants overlapping blacklisted regions (ENCODE)
- Ran Sequenza to obtain overall copy number status, purity, ploidy and major minor CN status
- basic summary of variants per sample
- scripts for figures
- Treeomics
- Pyclone-VI
- Pairtree
- Ran ConsensusCruncher to process UMIs and generate BAM files
- Ran Mutect2 in tumour/normal mode to detect SNVs in plasma ctDNA (using WGS germline samples as controls)
- To easily load processed mutation and CNA data to work with on the cluster, use this script:
- Full order of scripts in which they were run is here: