This is the Library for my Dissertation : urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-75331
Its created using Maven and Java. Working with OpenJDK. The Project was managed with the open Source version of IntelliJ but eclipse should also work.
The Libaray is essential for running the Java-Based diss-tools.
There are executables the Package de.rkrempel.diss.commandlineexecs
Simple two-mode to one-mode graph projection tool
Verbose two-mode to one-mode graph projection tool
Comparison tool for paralell Networks
The executeables are command-line tools. They contain a help when executed without parameters.
source is in src
Include all jar files in lib
The rest should be running with the Maven Dependencies
Comments are usually in english some times they are in german and a few lines later the english version follows, sometimes its missing :-( .