Fractal generator. Wows and bedazzles. Built as part of 42 Coding University's graphics branch. .
From the root directory, run:
To run the program, enter:
./fract_ol [fractal name]
Current list of fractals:
Play with and explore the various preset fractals!
[↑][↓][←][→][LEFT CLICK] Translate fractal
[I] Invert controls
[RIGHT CLICK] Adjust Z constant
[WHEEL UP/DOWN][HOME][END] Zoom about mouse cursor
[+][-] Zoom about center
[*][/] Increase/decrease fractal iterations
[[][]] Increase/decrease windowsize
[NUMPAD 0] Reset image
[1-8] Change fractal
[FN][DEL] Increase/decrease pulse speed
[P] Switch on/cycle through colour pulsers
[O] Switch off pulser
[A][S] + [NUMPAD 1-9] Set gradient colour 1/2
[Z] Switch on custom fractal gradient
[X] Cycle fractal contrasted colours
[C] Cycle fractal smooth colours
[V] Randomize fractal colours
[ESC] Exit program
The graphics are written using minilibx, a library written on top of openGL. For every pixel on the display window, the current fractal's iteration count is calculated and assigned a colour based on the count. By default, there are 16 different colours cycled through; so, every 16 iterations represents a full cycle of colours. The image is stored in a char buffer, and drawn to the window whenever a change prompts it to do so. The pixel calculations are multithreaded using POSIX threads, allowing for multiple calculations to be run in parallel.
*No idea why the original school project is named "fract_ol"