Automated KRAI X workflows for the plugin for KILT (KRAI Inference Library Technology).
To import this repository and its dependencies into your work_collection, run:
axs byquery git_repo,collection,repo_name=axs2onnxrt
Recipe for downloading the Onnxruntime SDK, libraries and models.
Download and extract the onnxrt library.
axs byquery extracted,onnxruntime_lib
Download the pre-generated onnxrt resnet50 model.
axs byquery onnx_model,converted,model_name=resnet50
If you want to generate the model yourself use this command with the base resnet50 model:
python -m tf2onnx.convert --graphdef resnet50_v1.pb --output resnet50_v1_modified.onnx --inputs input_tensor:0[-1,224,224,3] --inputs-as-nchw input_tensor:0[-1,224,224,3] --outputs ArgMax:0
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the software in this repository is provided under the permissive MIT license.
Please contact for any queries.