A simple program for retrieving route information from the MBTA API
MBTA Swagger Documentation can be found here
To build the mvn project use the command
mvn clean install
MBTARouteFinder is the main executable and takes one required argument of an integer between 1 and 3
Gives the list of names of the MBTA light and heavy rail routes
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.broad.mbta.MBTARouteFinder -Dexec.args="1"
Gives some statistics about the routes, including the route with the largest number of stops, the fewest, and the set of stops that connect routes
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.broad.mbta.MBTARouteFinder -Dexec.args="2"
Calculate the set of routes to travel to go between 2 different stops. This requires two additional arguments of the starting stop name and the ending stop name.
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.broad.mbta.MBTARouteFinder -Dexec.args="3 Copley Wonderland"
The TransitMap is the primary class that is responsible for calculating how two stop connect, and calculating other metrics about the routes it contains. In addition to this, there is a Route class for representing a route on the MBTA, and a Stop class for representing a stop on a route.
A TransitMap contains a collection of Routes which in turn contain a collection of Stops. Each Stop also has references to the Routes they connect, allowing for the search of routes that connect two given stops.
There is also a TransitMapBuilder utility that is responsible for reaching the MBTA API and populating these structures for a final data structure to work with.