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package for exact calculation of the joint site frequency spectrum under Isolation with Migration models as described in Kern and Hey (2017)


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im_clam is has several dependencies, thus installation will require install of multiple third party software packages. Hopefully, with the help of a modern package manager like homebrew or apt-get this won't be too painful though. Here is a list of dependencies

  • git
  • CMake
  • atlas (or another BLAS and LAPACK package)
  • glib
  • pkg-config
  • SuiteSparse
  • petsc (version 3.5)
  • slepc (version 3.5)
  • nlopt
  • gsl
  • a version of MPI

Please note that newer versions (>=3.6) of the petsc and slepc libraries break im_clam due to strange issues with backward compatibility. One day I will get around to changing all this code, but it is not a current priority. One thing that eases the process of installing dependencies is that petsc will take care of many of the packages if you tell it to when you configure the install. I'll demonstrate this below.

Install on Linux

I focus on linux here as most compute clusters suitable for running im_clam will, I assume, be using some flavor of linux. Here I go through the steps necessary on a clean Ubuntu 16.04 install.

First install the basics

apt-get install git libglib2.0-dev cmake pkg-config gsl-bin libgsl-dev libnlopt-dev libsuitesparse-dev

Once those packages are installed its time to move on to petsc. We will configure petsc to install MPICH as our MPI installation. For the sake of example I will download everything to my home dir

cd ~
wget .
tar zxvf petsc-3.5.4.tar.gz .
cd petsc-3.5.4/
./configure --download-fblaslapack --download-mpich

this will take a few minutes to run. next you are ready to make petsc

make PETSC_DIR=/home/username/petsc-3.5.4 PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux2-c-debug all

with username replaced with the proper value of your home directory or where ever else you have downloaded petsc. once the compilation is complete, you can test it using make test. petsc relies on two environmental variables, PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH. Its a good idea to add a couple lines to your .bash_profile such as

export PETSC_DIR=/home/username/petsc-3.5.4
export PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux2-c-debug

again inserting the proper value of username.then source that file

source ~/.bash_profile

Now we are ready to move on to installing slepc. Move to a place where you want to store slepc, for me that will be my home directory

cd ~
wget -O slepc-3.5.4.tar.gz
tar zxvf slepc-3.5.4.tar.gz
cd slepc-3.5.4/
export SLEPC_DIR=/home/username/slepc-3.5.4
make test

Its also a good line to add the environmental variable SLEPC_DIR to your .bash_profile file.

That should be all the dependencies. Now on to im_clam itself. Clone the im_clam repository to wherever you want it, move into that dir and then lets try make

git clone
cd im_clam
make all

currently this runs with a bunch of compiler warnings. Ignore that for now, as I will be cleaning those in the coming weeks, months, years-- everything should run fine.

When compilation is complete you will be left with three programs

  • cmc_stateSpace - this calculates the state space of an IM model with the specified sample sizes
  • cmc_topol - this calculates statistics about the eventual transition matrix.
  • im_clam - the main program that will compute the expected AFS as well as do inference


There are three steps associated with running analyses using im_clam. The first two involve calculating the state space for the sample configuration of interest and pre-computing quantities of the transition matrix of the Markov chain. The third step is to run im_clam itself with the outputs from the first two steps to either do parameter inference or to calculate the expected AFS from a given model parameterization.

Computing the state space

The first step to using im_clam is calculating the state space for a given sample configuration and its associated topology matrix. This is done using the programs cmc_stateSpace and cmc_topol. For instance imagine you were interested in a sample of size n=3 from one population and n=4 from a second. To calculate the state space we would use the following call

./cmc_stateSpace 3 4 > ss_3_4

This saves the state space to the file ss_3_4. The output of this program provides states in the form described in the Kern and Hey paper, along with a simple header containing information on the sample sizes specified and the number of associated states.

Next we calculate the topology matrix

./cmc_topol ss_3_4 > ss_3_4_mats

The topology matrix output contains one line stating the number of non-zero entries in the transition matrix, followed by a series of lines that information on the topological probability of a move, the move type, and the coordinates of that move in the transition matrix. This output isn't really meant for human consumption, and is done to ease calculations later on. Those two files, ss_3_4 and ss_3_4_mats will be used as input to im_clam. I have provided a number of example state space files and their associated topology matrices in the directory stateSpaceFiles. Each of these is named after the sample sizes: for instance stateSpaceFiles/testSS_33 contains the stateSpace for samples of size n1=n2=3, and its associated topology matrix is named stateSpaceFiles/testSS_33_mats. These can get you started but you can always calculate your own as shown above.

Running im_clam

With our preliminary files created we are ready to do something useful with them using im_clam. A few notes first on this program. im_clam makes heavy use of the petsc library, a parallel library for numerical calculation. As a result calls to im_clam should be done through mpiexec or similar (it depends on your MPI installation). petsc itself will output a certain amount of information to the screen as the user runs im_clam. In large part this can be ignored. Generally runs of im_clam for decent sample sizes (say n > 5) should be done on a machine with many cores. I have run im_clam on hundreds of cores on a cluster with excellent results in terms of runtime. Your mileage may vary though as im_clam is very sensitive to the speed of communication between nodes.

Lets take a quick look at the usage statement from im_clam

$ ./im_clam 

.___   _____             .__
|   | /     \       ____ |  | _____    _____
|   |/  \ /  \    _/ ___\|  | \__  \  /     \
|   /    Y    \   \  \___|  |__/ __ \|  Y Y  \
|___\____|__  /____\___  >____(____  /__|_|  /
            \/_____/   \/          \/      \/

im_clam -- Isolation with Migration Composite Likelihood Analysis using Markov chains

	Example: mpiexec -n <np> ./im_clam -s <stateSpace file> -m <mats file> -d <data file> 

		-exp expected value mode (requires -x flag too)
		-GIM uncertainty estimation mode (requires -x flag too)
		-mo multiple optimizations from different start points
		-global multi-level optimization (MLSL algo.)
		-x <theta_2, theta_A, mig12, mig21, t_div> parameter starting values
		-obs (prints out observed AFS as well as that expected from MLE params)
		-u mutation rate per base pair per generation (only used to unscale parameters; default 1e-8)
		-g generation time (gens/year; default 20)
		-seqLen sequence length scanned for polymorphisms (used to unscale parameter)
		-put upper bound for optimization of thetas
		-pum upper bound for optimization of migration rates
		-pudt upper bound for optimization of divergence time
		-r randomSeed
		-v verbose output

as it says, the proper call is to use mpiexec to then run im_clam.

Parameter Estimation

There are a few options for use with the program. The first is the run mode. When no options are provided im_clam will do parameter estimation using the state space file, topology matrix, and data file specified. Parameter optimization using the low-storage BFGS algorithm. All optimization uses the nlopt library and you can read about the optimization algorithms here. Here is an example

$ $PETSC_DIR/arch-linux2-c-debug/bin/mpiexec -n 2 ./im_clam -s stateSpaceFiles/testSS_33 -m stateSpaceFiles/testSS_33_mats -d exampleInput_33 -u 0.00001 -seqLen 100000

.___   _____             .__
|   | /     \       ____ |  | _____    _____
|   |/  \ /  \    _/ ___\|  | \__  \  /     \
|   /    Y    \   \  \___|  |__/ __ \|  Y Y  \
|___\____|__  /____\___  >____(____  /__|_|  /
            \/_____/   \/          \/      \/

im_clam -- Isolation with Migration Composite Likelihood Analysis using Markov chains

setup time:0.016036 secs

Parameter estimation run mode

now optimizing....

initial parameter guess:
4.676784 0.055509 17.598070 17.603366 7.730439

for scaling:
u: 1.000000e-05 gen: 20.000000 N0:2478.061352 meanTreeLength:6.370201 seqLen:100000
Composite Likelihood estimates of IM params (scaled by 1/theta_pop1):
theta_pop2	theta_anc	mig_1->2	mig_2->1	t_div
1.013741	0.907709	0.100391	0.098687	2.102073

Composite Likelihood estimates of IM params (unscaled):
theta_pop2	theta_anc	mig_1->2	mig_2->1	t_div
2512.111547	2249.358302	0.000010	0.000010	1041.813149

Uncertainty estimates of IM params (scaled by 1/theta_pop1):
theta_pop2	theta_anc	mig_1->2	mig_2->1	t_div
0.015723	0.575429	0.003656	0.004326	0.334777

Uncertainty estimates of IM params (unscaled):
theta_pop2	theta_anc	mig_1->2	mig_2->1	t_div
38.962940	1425.949159	0.000000	0.000000	165.919381

likelihood: -125869.001406

Expected AFS:
0.000000 0.165187 0.089553 0.211891
0.163400 0.004986 0.003882 0.017417
0.088911 0.003863 0.002239 0.009148
0.212882 0.017459 0.009183 0.000000
total run time:308.096287 secs
 Liklihood Func. Evals: 1100

A few things to note. First I am launching im_clam with the version of MPI that we bundled with petsc. This is an easy way to make sure that things work correctly on the MPI side of things so I recommend that approach. Then I have specified my input files along with a single option, the -u flag that will allow me to input a mutation rate for unscaled parameter estimates and for these we also need to specify the number of sites surveyed with -seqLen. im_clam then outputs the initial parameter starting point, the scaled estimates of the IM parameters, the unscaled parameter estimates (assumes a mutation rate and a generation time), their associated uncertainty, the likelihood, and the expected AFS under the estimated model.

For optimization I provide two other options. The -mo flag with run the LS-BFGS three independent times from different starting points. The -global flag runs the Multi-Level Single-Linkage algorithm described here. The starting parameter vector for optimization can be set with the -x flag which takes as its argument a comma separated list of parameters in the specified order.

Expected AFS Mode

If one uses the -exp flag the program does not optimize a model, but instead just calculates the expected AFS under the parameterization specified by the -x flag. For instance

$ $PETSC_DIR/arch-linux2-c-debug/bin/mpiexec -n 1 ./im_clam -s stateSpaceFiles/testSS_33 -m stateSpaceFiles/testSS_33_mats -exp -x 1,1,3,1,1 

.___   _____             .__
|   | /     \       ____ |  | _____    _____
|   |/  \ /  \    _/ ___\|  | \__  \  /     \
|   /    Y    \   \  \___|  |__/ __ \|  Y Y  \
|___\____|__  /____\___  >____(____  /__|_|  /
           \/_____/   \/          \/      \/

im_clam -- Isolation with Migration Composite Likelihood Analysis using Markov chains

expected value run mode
Expected AFS:
0.00 0.22 0.07 0.03 
0.27 0.07 0.04 0.03 
0.08 0.04 0.03 0.04 
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 
parameter values used:
1.000000	1.000000	3.000000	1.000000	1.000000	

total run time:0.076992 secs
Liklihood Func. Evals: 0

Uncertainty Estimation Mode

If one uses the -GIM flag the program calculates parameter confidence intervals for a dataset given the parameterization specified by the -x flag which is assumed to be the MLE calculated through the estimation mode above. Parameter confidence intervals are estimated using the Godambe Information matrix and insomuch uncertainty estimates should be appropriate for the comppsoite likelihood estimation we are performing.

The -v flag gives a verbose output, printing the parameter values and likelihood at each likelihood evaluation. The -obs flag outputs the observed AFS specified in the datafile. Finally the -r flag enables the user to specify the random seed.

Input file format

One remaining thing to note is the input file format for im_clam for the observed AFS. This is simply a matrix representing the joint AFS for the two populations, with entries being the number of SNPs of that frequency type. An example has been provided called exampleInput_33. Here is what that file looks like

0.0000 10430.0000 5621.0000 13423.0000
10262.0000 307.0000 242.0000 1077.0000
5647.0000 237.0000 168.0000 591.0000
13456.0000 1113.0000 569.0000 0.0000


package for exact calculation of the joint site frequency spectrum under Isolation with Migration models as described in Kern and Hey (2017)







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