Keep track of what you need to get with Shopping Buddy. Add, change and delete items as you go shopping.
Steps to run application:
Command prompt:
1. mysql -u root -p
2. Enter password
3. source db/schema.sql
4. source d/seeds.sql (optional)
Git Bash
1. git clone
2. npm install
3. add enviroment variables or update credentials in connection.js
4. npm start
Working site
- Client-side javascript
$(".cart").on("click", addToCart);
// Creates a new item and sends it to the server. Reloads Page
function addToList() {
var item = {
item: $("#newItem").val().trim(),
done: false
// Send the POST request.
$.ajax("/api/list", {
type: "POST",
data: item
function () {
console.log("created new item");
- This code takes care of creating an object by pulling information from the web's elements. This object is then sent to the server to be added to the database. The page is reloaded after this work is done by the server.
- Server route"/api/list", function (req, res) {
console.log("Data to add - item: " + "\"" + req.body.item + "\"" + " done: " + req.body.done);
shoppingList.create(["item", "done"], ["\"" + req.body.item + "\"", req.body.done], function (result) {
res.json({ id: result.insertID });
- The object is received by the server route /api/list. This function calls the Shopping List object model. It calls the create function with the properties to be set and the values of said properties.
- Shopping list object model
create: function (cols, values, cb) {
orm.create("list", cols, values, function (res) {
- The Shopping List model recieves property names and its values to be updated in the List table. The information recieved together with the name of the table to be udated is sent to the object relational mapping to perform the query.
create: function (table, cols, values, cb) {
var query = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (" + cols.toString() + ") VALUES (" + values.toString() + ")";
connection.query(query, values, function (err, res) {
if (err) throw err;
- The ORM takes the information from the Shopping List model and builds the query. This query is then sent to the MySQL database connection to be run.
- πΌ Carlos Toledo: portfolio
Github: kqarlos
- LinkedIn: carlos-toledo415