React Mobile DatePicker Component (web and react-native)
see example
config webpack to resolve .web.js
resolve: {
extensions: ['', '.web.tsx', '.web.ts', '.web.jsx', '.web.js', '.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx', '.json'],
npm i
npm start
online example:
npm run watch-tsc
./node_modules/rc-tools run react-native-init
react-native run-ios
name | description | type | default |
className(web) | additional css class of root dom node | String | '' |
prefixCls(web) | prefix class | String | 'rmc-date-picker' |
pickerPrefixCls(web) | picker prefix class | String | 'rmc-picker' |
defaultDate | default selected date. | moment | |
date | The currently selected date. | moment | |
mode | The date picker mode. | String | 'date' enum('date', 'time', 'datetime', 'year', 'month') |
minDate | min date | moment | 2000-1-1 |
maxDate | max date | moment | 2030-1-1 |
locale | the locale of area | Object | import from 'rmc-date-picker/lib/locale/en_US' |
onDateChange | Date change handler. | Function(date: moment) | '' |
minuteStep | The amount of time, in minutes, between each minute item. | Number | 1 |
formatMonth | Customize display value of months | (month:number, current:moment) => React.Node | |
formatDay | Customize display value of days | (day:number, current:moment) => React.Node |
name | description | type | default |
className(web) | additional css class of modal node | String | '' |
style(web) | additional modal style | object | {} |
popupTransitionName(web) | String | ||
maskTransitionName(web) | String | ||
prefixCls(web) | popup's prefix class | String | 'rmc-picker-popup' |
styles(react-native) | PopupPicker's styles | StyleSheet.create | |
datePicker | DatePicker element | React DatePicker element | |
date | The currently selected date. | moment | |
visible | whether pop picker is visible | Boolean | false |
onChange | exec on ok | Function(date: moment) | |
onVisibleChange | called when pop picker visible change | Function | |
onDismiss | exec on dismiss | function | |
okText | ok button text | string/React.ReactElement | 'Ok' |
dismissText | dismiss button text | string/React.ReactElement | 'Dismiss' |
title | Popup title | string/React.ReactElement | '' |
npm test
npm run chrome-test
npm run coverage
open coverage/ dir
rmc-date-picker is released under the MIT license.