bash -c "$(curl -fSs"
Deploy all.
Only Zsh.
Only Tmux.
Only Python.
Only Vim. This might take some time, especially with slow network connection.
Solarized colorscheme is used everywhere, so you will need to change you terminal colorscheme in order to make everything look really good.
Here are some tips on how to achieve it:
Vim plugins:
- Vundle
- vim-airline
- vim-airline-themes
- YouCompleteMe
- vim-fugitive
- vcscommand.vim
- vim-fswitch
- vim-startify
- tagbar
- flake8-vim
- csv.vim
- vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight
- rust.vim
- vim-toml
- vim-commentary
- UltiSnips
- vim-snippets
Custom Vim key mappings:
- F4 — show directory tree
- F7 — move to the next tab
- F8 — move to the previous tab
- F9 — show/close tagbar
- F10 — show compiler diagnostics (only for c,cpp and python file types)
- Ctrl + ] — goto declaration (only for c,cpp and python file types)
- Ctrl + h — show documentation with quick info
- Ctrl + y — expand snippet
- Ctrl + j — jump forward withing snippet
- Ctrl + k — jump backward withing snippet