All korlibs compiled for the WASM target: including klock, kds, kmem, kbignum, korma, korim, korte, korim, korau, korgw and finally korge!
WASM experiment using:
- kotlin = "1.9.20-dev-2914"
- kotlinx-atomicfu = "0.20.2-wasm0"
- kotlinx-coroutines = "1.7.0-RC-wasm0"
- kotlinx-serialization = "1.5.1-wasm0"
pluginManagement {
repositories {
mavenLocal(); mavenCentral(); google(); gradlePluginPortal()
maven { url = uri("https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/kotlin/p/kotlin/dev") }
maven { url = uri("https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/kotlin/p/wasm/experimental") }
in settings.gradle.kts
hello-world example using this:
you can try the sandbox yourself with multiples samples with:
git clone git@github.com:korlibs/korge.git
cd korge
git checkout feature/final.retake.wasm
# or if branch doesn't exist by then: git checkout 4244a6a55e803ead89816bc982c3e271d65cf62e
./gradlew runWasm
Relevant PR: #1677