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Lightweight formatter objects, this fmtutil package was created for parse and format any string values that match a format pattern which created base on Python regular expression.

🎯 First objective of this project is include necessary formatter objects for any data components package which mean we can parse any complicate names on data source and ingest the right names to in-house or data target.

📍 Installation

pip install -U fmtutil

Python version supported:

Python Version Installation Support Fixed Bug
== 3.8 pip install "fmtutil>=0.4,<0.5.0"
>=3.9,<3.14 pip install -U fmtutil ✔️


This package has one dependency package, python-dateutil, this package use for support add and sub datetime value on the Datetime formatter only. If you do not want to install this package, you can use pip install -U fmtutil.


The Datetime formatter able to compare with the relativedelta object if you already installed python-dateutil package.

🍻 Introduction

For example, we want to get filename with the format like, filename_20220101.csv, on the file system storage, and we want to incremental ingest the latest file with date 2022-03-25 date. So we will implement Datetime object and parse that filename to it,

assert (
    Datetime.parse('filename_20220101.csv', 'filename_%Y%m%d.csv').value
    == datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0)

The above example is 🥱 NOT SURPRISE!!! for you right? Because the Python already provide the build-in datetime to parse by datetime.strptime and format by {dt}.strftime 🍌.

This package will be the special thing when we group more than one format-able objects together as Naming, Version, and Datetime. For a complex filename format like 😤;



Disclaimer: The above filename format, the datetime package that already build-in in Python does not enough for this scenario 🐍 but you can handle by your code function or create the better package than this project 💨.


Any formatter object was implemented the self.valid method for help us validate format string value like the above the example scenario,

this_date = Datetime.parse('20220101', '%Y%m%d')
assert this_date.valid('any_files_20220101.csv', 'any_files_%Y%m%d.csv')

🎉 Usage

If you have multi-format filenames on the data source directory, and you want to dynamic getting max datetime on these filenames to your app, you can use a formatter group.

from fmtutil import (
  make_group, Naming, Datetime, FormatterGroup, FormatterGroupType, FormatterArgumentError,

name: Naming = Naming.parse('Google Map', fmt='%t')

fmt_group: FormatterGroupType = make_group({
    "naming": name.to_const(),
    "timestamp": Datetime,

rs: list[FormatterGroup] = []
for file in (
            fmt_group.parse(file, fmt=r'{naming:c}_{timestamp:%Y%m%d}\.json')
    except FormatterArgumentError:

>>> <Datetime.parse('2023-01-03 00:00:00.000000', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')>


The above Example will convert the name, Naming instance, to Constant instance before passing to the Formatter Group because it does not want to dynamic parsing this format when find any matching filenames at destination path.

🎯 Next Step

I will change formatter object construction from changing with inside method to assert design. The code already implement and testing stage at file

That mean, you can create any formatter object by dynamic asset changed strategy.

class Datetime(Formatter, asset=DATETIME_ASSET, config=DATETIME_CONF, level=10):
    """Datetime Formatter object."""

💬 Contribute

I do not think this project will go around the world because it has specific propose and you can create by your coding without this project dependency for long term solution. So, on this time, you can open the GitHub issue on this project 🙌 for fix bug or request new feature if you want it.