This framework gives you a convenient mechanism for using Kafka. You do not need more cycles and care for commits in your code, just connect and use.
Some libraries are used under the hood, but they are not exported directly, their own abstractions are used instead.
To date, libraries are used:
- for interact with Kafka
- for handler retrying
go get
This repository has a predefined codec wire. You may use this or create your own.
To use the wire codec you have to create event contracts proto file which should use grpc options with a topic and a key fields. See examples in the test package.
p, err := producer.New(wireCodec.Encoder(), brokers)
if err != nil {
return err
// Async sending
err = p.Send(ctx, &events.YourEvent{})
if err != nil {
return err
// Sync sending
err = p.SendSync(ctx, &events.YourEvent{})
if err != nil {
return err
// You have to close producer before closing your application to prevent lose of the messages in the buffer
err = p.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
c, err := consumer.NewGroup(brokers, "test")
if err != nil {
return err
err = cons.AddHandler(consumer.NewHandler(wireCodec.Decoder[*events.YourEvent](),
func(ctx context.Context, msg *events.YourEvent, raw consumer.Message) error {
// handle your message
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.AddHandler(consumer.NewHandlerBatch(wireCodec.Decoder[*events.YourEvent](),
func(ctx context.Context, msgs []*events.YourEvent, raws []consumer.Message) error {
// handle your messages
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
Producer, consumer and handler have an options to manipulate them behavior.
The message is considered processed after exiting the handler, regardless of whether it was processed with an error or not.
The single message handler resets the offset to commit immediately after exiting the function. The batch handler does not transmit offsets until it flushes the buffer of accumulated messages.
If the group has several handlers on the same topic, then the minimum possible offset from all handlers is committed.
By default, all handlers have endlessly trying to process the message until err!= nil. You may change this behavior by setting the handler options or mark error as a permanent.
You are welcome!