Github provider for Koop
Take GeoJSON from a Github repository and serve it as an ArcGIS Feature Service, CSV, KML, or Shapefile.
Koop providers require that you first install Koop. For information on using Koop, see
You can add koop-github
to your Koop server's dependencies by installing it with npm and adding it to your package.json like so:
npm install @koopjs/provider-github --save
Make sure your koop configuration includes a github access token (ghtoken
in the config object passed to koop or KOOP_GITHUB_TOKEN
as an environmental variable). Your Github API requests will be rate limited and you will not have access private gists if you don't include a token.
var koop = require('koop')({
'ghtoken': 'XXXXXX' // defaults to `process.env.KOOP_GITHUB_TOKEN`
var koopGithub = require('@koopjs/provider-github')
koop.server.listen(1338, function () {
console.log('Listening at http://%s:%d/', this.address().address, this.address().port)
Once koop-github
is registered as provider and you've started your Koop server, you can request GeoJSON files in Github repositories using this pattern. Note that the path within the repo uses ::
as a directory separator:
/github/{organization name}::{repository name}::{branch}::{folder::path::to::geojson}/FeatureServer/0/query
so for example:
uses tape for testing.
npm test
Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing.