Please note that the app no longer works because website has been shut down. I will still keep the code here for educational purposes. But if you want to run the app, you will need to find a new source of data.
The app fetches all the data from (raw HTML, because jukuu doesn't have an API).
- Android version: 4.4+
- Constant internet access
- Viewbinding
- Jsoup
- Dagger Hilt
- Couroutines
- Navigation component
The app is designed with clean architecture in mind.
A word of warning:
The project is still in its beta phase, with its current state you can use pretty much all that gives you. But there are many feature and refactoring ideas I have for this project, that I hope to implement in 2021, if I have time for that. This readme will be updated if I add new features.
You can download it from Google Play