helps developers create an amazing GitHub profile in minutes.
A live version of this project can be found at
Users can easily build and customise their GitHub profile, working with the following:
- Introduction section (to include basic information, links to portfolio and any current projects that are of note.)
- Skills icons (with over 60 technologies and softwares available to choose from)
- Socials links (with 18 social media platforms to choose from)
- Badges and statistics (graphic elements to add to your profile, such as GitHub stats badges, Twitter follower counts and Twitch streaming status)
- Links to support sites (such as BuyMeACoffee).
This project was built with:
- NextJS
- TailwindCSS has a very simple, two-step installation process.
1. Install dependencies
npm install
2. Run development server
npm run dev
Contributions are always welcome! Here's a few tips on how to get started.
To get started, please take a look at the 'Issues' tab, where you will find open issues that exist within the project. If you see one that interests you, create a branch and submit a PR for review and approval.
If you would like to add a new icon to the skills section, please follow the following steps:
You should first create three variations of the icon you are intending to add. All icons should be square (we recommend 128px x 128px).
- [iconName]-colored.svg: This should be the full-color version of the icon. Please ensure it stays loyal to the brand colors and guidelines set out by the brand itself.
- [iconName].svg: This icon will be the one that renders in light mode.
- [iconName]-dark.svg: This icon will be the one that renders in dark mode.
Please create SVG icon (we recommend using Adobe Illustrator, Figma or another vector-based graphics program)
In _app.js, all icon data is stored in an object called iconData.
Inside of this object, there are four keys, with strings as values:
{ name: "JavaScript", path: "", iTag: "javascript", link: "", },
Key Value name eg: "JavaScript". This value will be the one shown to the user via the tooltip. path The path for where the full-color version will be stored. Once the pull request has been merged, the icons you add will be found at "[iconName]-colored.svg". iTag The name that will be used for the CSS class, all lower case. link The URL for the official website of the language/technology being added. -
Adding your new icons to the site CSS is very simple. In styles/global.css, add the following block (replacing 'javascript' with the iTag you added in the last step).
.javascript { @apply bg-[url('')] dark:bg-[url('')]; } .javascript.colored { @apply bg-[url('')]; }
ProfileMe is available under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. Please read the terms of this license before making modification or amendments to the source code or any of its assets.