Copyright (C) Dror S. & Kol-Zchut Ltd, Ryan Finnie
Originally based on GoogleSiteSearch (v2.0) by Ryan Finnie (
Adds Special:GoogleSearch which allows to use a Google CSE (Google Custom Search Engine). It can also replace the regular wiki search for all or select groups.
$wgWRGoogleSearchCSEID = 'Your CSE ID here'. The search engine ID you get from Google.
$wgWRGoogleSearchOnly = true/false. Whether to take over the regular search.
$wgWRGoogleSearchExemptGroups = array( 'user' ). If $wgWRGoogleSearchOnly is true, this will be an array of user groups that still get the regular search.
$wgWRGoogleSearchEnableSitelinksSearch = true/false. Enabled by default, adds the appropriate structured data for enabling a Google sitelinks search box.
- Pushes the following event to Google Tag Manager's dataLayer:
{ event: 'Site Search', 'event data': { 'search term': query } }