Hi, I'm self-taught a web developer based in Europe.
I have a tonne of interest in techn and all things crypto. I come from a creative background and after getting the coding bug feel happy diving deep into developing my tech stach as a web dev working within Web3 and crypto.
I love coding as it really fits who I am and allows me to get on board with cool projects.
I love learning new things, so here I'll document my learning process as I update my repos.
Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Telegram or by Email.
- 🔭 Currently finalising a web3 dapp which helps users farm airdrops
- 🌱 Practicing building more with React.js and Next.js
- 👯 I want to work on more Web3 projects
- 💬 Let's chat about second-brain, networked thinking, ecstatic dance and movement