This project involves 3D rendering using linear algebra for the geometrical transformation of objects. Projection matrices are utilized to transform these objects and render them in 2D. The project includes the creation of standardized 3D coordinates for various geometric figures, which are then transformed through matrices to enable rotations and projections.
- Standardized 3D Coordinates: Defines standardized 3D coordinates for different geometric figures such as cubes, spheres, pyramids, and tori.
- Geometric Transformations: Utilizes linear algebra to create transformation matrices for rotations in the x, y, and z directions.
- Projection Matrices: Transforms 3D coordinates into 2D for rendering on the screen.
- Rendering Options: Supports rendering figures both with and without edges.
- User Interface: Implements a user interface with buttons to select different figures and actions.
- Mouse Motion: Rotate objects in 3D space. Press the mouse button during motion.
- Z key: rotate around z axis.
- Direction Keys: Move objects along the x, y, and z axes.
- Up Arrow: Move up.
- Down Arrow: Move down.
- Left Arrow: Move left.
- Right Arrow: Move right.
- M Key: Enlarge object.
- N Key: Shrink object.