Fork of the existing owncloud addon all Credit to Khalatyan Arman (arm2arm) with updates from Alexander A.(darksniper94).
This repository is supposed to fix the bugs with OwnCloud 8.2.2+, since there has been no update since 2013 from Khalatyan Arman and none at all since 2015.
Hopefully one day we can even make it possible to get it running with encryption.
If you want to work on this, PLEASE contact me via github or the owncloud-website. You can find instructions on how to write addons for OC here.
Remove the old owncloud/apps/files_latexeditor folder if existing. Download and place the content of this repo into your owncloud/apps/ folder. The folder containing all the other folders and the should be named files_latexeditor. Head over to you web-admin panel and get to the apps section. Press the small gear in the bottom left corner. Activate experimental apps. Go to "Not enabled" on the top left. Enable LaTeXEditor. Make sure you have latex installed, otherwise this app will do nothing (you can check that with "which latex" which should return a path.
- update owncloud filecache to view the compiled pdf file
- Create a new entry on
- Better Documentation
- Fix the bugs with the encryption-addon enables
File Latex Editor/compiler APP for OwnCloud 8.2. You MUST enable the standard "Text Editor" to allow this one.
11.03.2016 - v1.3alpha OC8.2.2 compatibility.
26.03.2015 OC8 compatibility.
17.09.2014 OC7 compatibility.
04.05.2014 Require Text Editor App Making latexeditor small as possible
01.12.2013 Remove all the files_texteditor code. We detect now if the editor is open and then add (or not) the Compile button.
30.11.2013 compatibility with OC5 If directory contains a tex file friends can compile. Double compilation for cross references. Detect latex errors. tested on OC5.0.13
10.01.2013 code cleaninig tested on OC4.5.5