Alex Reel, Alex Tanner, Michaela Williams, Kenton Carrier
To run the website, you first have to install mysql server to your machine. The latest community version of mysql server can be found here. Then, add a default user to your mysql server and update the login information in the server files that use mysql (This will be moved to a configuration file in the future).
Once mysql server is running, you can run npm install
from the root directory to install dependencies.
To setup the mysql database, run npm run setup_db
To add some default items to the database, run npm run seed_db
To run a development version of the website, run npm start
. This will concurrently run the client and server on localhost ports 3000 and 3010 respectively.
To run a production version, update the api url file in the server directory to the location of your production server address and run npm run build