SexyPresenter add presentation logic to your Rails application. To inject presentation logic in view, SexyPresenter use Refinements feature that added Ruby in version 2.1.
SexyPresenter provides only 2 features.
- You can assign presenters in view files.
- You can use
hook in presentation file.
Assign presenter in your view file's frontmatter. (SexyPresenter supports any template engines, e.g. .erb, .haml, .slim .)
presenter: MessagePresenter
<% @messages.each do |m| %>
<%= m.title %>,<%= m.body %>,<%= m.body_length_type %>
<% end %>
In this case, Message
class has title and body fields in models/message.rb
But it does not have body_length_type method because body_length_type related only this page.
So, you implement body_length_type method to Message
class in MessagePresenter
module using Refinements.
We suggest you to implement MessagePresenter
in app/presenters/message_presenter
but actually you can make the file in any autoload target directory, or in config/initializers
module MessagePresenter
refine Message
def body_length_type
if self.body.length > 100
elsif self.body.length > 50
This code works well.
method is activated only in sample.erb
This is nothing more than Refinements behavior.
If you want special initialization logic to a view file, you can use before_render
presenter: HeaderPresenter
Welcome to our web site.
Now we have <%= @customer_count %> customers. Join us!
module HeaderPresenter
before_render do
@customer_count = ::Customer.count
block runs in view context.
The frontmatter format is YAML. And you can assign more than one presenters in one template.
- FirstPresenter
- SecondPresenter
SexyPresenter depends on Ruby's Refinements feature.
- Rails 4.0 or later.
- Ruby 2.1 or later. (depend on Refinements feature)
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.
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