A gateway function to convert a Borigo HeyNabo! facility's bookings to iCal calendar format for
integration in popular calendar apps.
After deployment the app will expose the endpoint: https://<YOURSITE>.azurewebsites.net/api/bookings/{facilityId}
The facilityId parameter is required to id the HeyNabo! facility. The function returns a VCalendar file with the bookings from the specified date.
Hosted on Azure Functions v4 isolated dotnet (ReadyToRun) Linux Consumption Plan, the function is triggered by a HTTP request.
Requires the following App Settings in the Function App:
: The bearer token used to authenticate the user with HeyNabo!ApiClient__Subdomain
: The subdomain of the HeyNabo! account (e.g.https://<SUBDOMAIN>.spaces.heynabo.com
- dotnet 8.0
- Azure Functions v4
- Nuget RestSharp for communication with the Borigo REST API
- Nuget Klinkby.VCard for serializing to VCalendar format