This project contains some useful tools for k-Wave ( toolbox simulation outputs. These codes were developed before and then also simultaneously with the on-the-fly compression and calculation of time-averaged acoustic intensity in time-domain ultrasound simulations ( and
Three types of tools are implemented and functional:
- k-wave-h5-helper is HDF5 library wrapper especially designed for k-Wave input and output simulation files
- k-wave-h5-processing is command line tool for the k-Wave HDF5 files post-processing.
- k-wave-h5-visualizer is gui-based application for visualising of the k-Wave HDF5 files with many features.
Will be updated.
- HDF5 library is required (1.8.12+)
- Qt Toolkit version 5.2x or later for k-wave-h5-visualizer is required.
- Cmake or Qt (qmake) is required for building.
Will be updated.
Will be updated.
Will be updated.
- Petr Kleparnik (