Python 3 only.
Use the or .mptm file to do your song. Don't change the samples/instruments (.mptm instrument Alternative Tuning may be changed). Only notes and volume settings are parsed. Commands are not parsed except for EFx/FFx/EEx/EFx in rows containing notes (for detuning) Note Cuts ^ will cut all sounds, no matter where they are placed (i.e., be careful with these)
Initial settings:
Initial Tempo: adjustable
Ticks/Row: 3 (fixed, do not change)
Initial Global Vol: adjustable (template set at 60)
Sample Volume: 160 (this may be adjusted but does not affect the output, it is set so that tracker output during playback sounds closer to Moai website output)
- 0.1: Initial creation of program by kleeder
- 0.2: Added global volume initial setting, note volumes, and updated the soundlist to incorporate the current available sounds (list grows from 131 samples to 191). Samples tuned in example module and appropriate offsets added to the soundlist.
- 0.3: Module name is no longer hardcoded and must instead be typed in. Output name remains as is. Added ability to xenharmonise files during moai conversion to any tone equal temperament tuning system. This may be handy for .mptm files with such a tuning.
- 0.4: Support added for Fine/Extra Fine Portamento Down/Up commands (EFx/FFx/EEx/FEx) to detune notes. Use only on rows that also contain a note, otherwise the script will break.
- 0.5: Fixed errors on non-existent patterns and notes
soundlist.json contains the listing of samples in order along with their ids and name fields. Both of those fields can be ingested by, but the tool prefers the emoji icons where available. The soundlist also includes an order (for readability only) and a tuning offset to account for tuning adjustment made in OpenMPT.
Module file contains all the samples available on at time of writing (4/20/23). These have been rearranged alphabetically by source file name in the module with these naming convention groupings: c_ = chords or multi tonal sounds (fifths, etc.) n_ = note (single tonal) sounds perc_ = percussion sounds r_ = riff sounds sfx_ = sound fx or misc. sounds