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On macOS you need to run brew install libomp first to enable multithreading for the XGBoost library.

Ideally, you install everything in a clean environment, e.g., using conda

conda create -n test_oximachine_runner python=3.7 -y

Then activate with conda activate test_oximachine_runner.

Latest stable release

pip install oximachinerunner

Note that the installation requires significant (>500 MB) storage space since the ensembles use k-nearest neighbors models.

Development version

pip install git+


Loading the model

from oximachinerunner import OximachineRunner
runner = OximachineRunner()

The OximachineRunner can be initialized with a modelname from runner.available_models.

By default, models will be automatically downloaded (upon first use) if there are not yet in the correct folder:

/Users/kevinmaikjablonka/opt/miniconda3/envs/test_oximachine_runner/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oximachinerunner/assets/all_202000830/classifier.joblib are not exist or md5 is wrong.
Download file from
2.9% of 527.44M

To disable this behavior of, set OximachineRunner(automatic_download=False) and manually download your model, e.g. using a function from the utils module.

Predicting oxidation states

The run_oximachine function accepts pymatgen.Structure, ase.Atoms and str as well as os.PathLike. The latter two are expected to be paths to a file that is then parsed with pymatgen.


The function prints for how many sites it will run the model. iterating over 6 metal sites

It returns an OrderedDict with the fields:

  • metal_indices: A list of indices of the metal sites
  • metal_symbols: A list of symbols of the metal atoms
  • prediction: A list of oxidation state predictions
  • max_probabs: For each metal site the maximum confidence of all 4 models.
  • base_predictions: For each metal site a list of the oxidation state predictions for each of the 4 models.

Development setup

git clone
pip install -e .[dev]


Jablonka, Kevin Maik; Ongari, Daniele; Moosavi, Seyed Mohamad; Smit, Berend (2020): Using Collective Knowledge to Assign Oxidation States. ChemRxiv. Preprint.