Beaver is a utility that automatically edits your .bib files with new papers as they are added to your LaTeX files.
If you have to just use the code
which scraps the bibtex file from Google scholar, you can do the following.
from bib_reader import Parser
paper_name = "" # write the title of the paper you want the bib for
bibParser = Parser(paper_name)
retrieved_bib = bibParser.recover_bib()
You can also retrieve the bibTex of papers you partially remember the name of. A few keywords (which appear in the title of the paper) and the matching can be done which results in the correct bib retrieval.
# the actual paper name is: Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks
# so we just type a few keywords we can remember from the top of our head
paper_name = "ImageNet Deep Classification"
# call the recover_bib() method.
# the output would be:
title={Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks},
author={Krizhevsky, Alex and Sutskever, Ilya and Hinton, Geoffrey E},
booktitle={Advances in neural information processing systems},
This is covered by the standard MIT License.