a multiplayer algorave exhibition using node.js, socket.io, babylon.js and hydra
- Mobile Support
- Name above head
- Improve Chat UI
- Abstract Classes
- Add CodeMirror
- Add CodeMirror CSS
- Send exhibits to server
- Typescript server
- Marching.js support
- Gibber/Audio support
- Add dev mode
- Accounts
- Persistent Storage
- hydra-synth
- Fragment shader code
- Save hydra code
- Create initial world
- Improve player mesh
- Add other player mesh rotation/animation
- Custom Loading Screen
- Scene Serializer
- Null Engine
- GizmoManager
- Stop player movement if dragging behavior vs clicking
- First person camera
- https://github.com/j-o-d-o/multiplayer-babylon-js-game
- https://github.com/creationspirit/multiplayer-browser-game-boilerplate/tree/master/client/src
- https://punkoffice.com/3d_multiplayer_games
- https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1WROZH#67
- https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1OH09K#123
- https://cineshader.com/editor
- https://doc.babylonjs.com/features/nullengine
- https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.sceneserializer