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Developing Kitto
This document is a guide for new contributors, it's aimed in making development easier and straightforward and document all important parts of the current release practices.
You are expected to be familiar with the technologies used in the project (Elixir, Mix, React, Webpack).
If for any reason you get stuck, feel free to discuss on gitter.im/kittoframework.
Kitto consists of 3 core parts:
- Server
- Generator Tasks (mix kitto.new, mix kitto gen.job, mix kitto.install, ..)
- The JavaScript library and bundled widgets
The documentation concerning the backend (server, tasks) is available at: https://hexdocs.pm/kitto/.
This section is about providing guidance for the development of the server part of the framework.
You have successfully cloned the kittoframework/kitto locally and have started tweaking files to adapt them towards your goal. You will want to try your changes in an actual Kitto dashboard application. Your next step will be to setup a dashboard application to try your changes.
You can scaffold a new dashboard app using:
mix kitto.new kittodev
or clone the demo dashboard:
git clone git@github.com:kittoframework/demo.git
Then you have to change the Mix dependency to point to the path of you local kitto repo.
defmodule Demo.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project do
# body omitted
def application do
# body omitted
defp deps do
[{:kitto, path: "~/dev/kitto"}, # Change this line to point to you kitto dev path
{:httpoison, "~> 0.9", override: true},
{:poison, "3.0.0", override: true}]
To test your changes you'll have to add or update test files found under test
You can run the full test suite using:
mix test
You can run a single test file using:
mix test test/just_one_file_test.exs
You can run a single test case by adding tags:
defmodule SomethingTest do
@tag focus: true
test "basic arithmetic" do
assert 1 + 1 == 2
Then you can filter based on tag:
mix test --only focus
It's possible by manipulating the official Docker images (see: dockerhub - kitto, Dockerfile).
We think it's more efficient to have Elixir installed. Read http://elixir-lang.org/install.html for instructions.
To test Kitto on various Elixir versions we recommend using https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-elixir.
The core JavaScript Library consists of just 2 files:
- installer/templates/new/assets/javascripts/application.js
- installer/templates/new/assets/javascripts/widget.js
Until [#39][issue-39] is resolved, the most efficient way to try changes is to experiment from within a generated dashboard application. When you're happy with your changes create a pull request for the files above.
We divide widgets in 2 categories, core and custom.
You can browse a list of all available core widgets [here][core-widgets].
They are intended to offer basic functionality for common tasks like displaying a simple meter or some text.
Their source code is placed under the widgets
directory upon the
creation of a new dashboard application using mix kitto.new <dashboard-name>
To develop a new core widget you should implement it inside an existing
dashboard application and then create a pull request to add it in
. You should write
documentation to be added in the available [core widgets][core-widgets] wiki for the widget.
The installer handles the creation of a new dashboard by exposing the following mix task:
mix kitto.new <dashboard-name>
For the installer to be available, a user has to install the installer Mix archive.
From the kitto repository:
cd installer
MIX_ENV=prod mix archive.build
This will create a file kitto_new-X.Y.Z.ez
where X.Z.Y is the version number.
All releases are kept in the [archives repository][archives-repo]. You can request for access to the repository at [gitter][gitter].
You should add the new archive to the archives repo and commit with a message like [this one][archives-commit], keeping in mind to update the readme to point to the latest archive.
You should make sure that the archive works and is installable using:
mix archive.install https://github.com/kittoframework/archives/raw/master/kitto_new-X.Y.Z.ez
To release a new version of the [Hex package][kitto-hex], follow these steps:
- Make sure the tests are passing
- Create a release commit like [this one][release-commit]
The commit should contain changes to the following files:
: The version of the project is updated
: The version of the installer is updated
The version to the installer is bumped to match the one of the Hex package, even when the installer hasn't changed.
: An entry for the new version has to be added
: The installer archive installation command has to be updated
- Document any introduced incompatibilities in the [upgrade guide][upgrade-guide]
- Push the package
mix hex.publish
[issue-39]: https://github.com/kittoframework/kitto/issues/39#issuecomment-268273382) [core-widgets]: https://github.com/kittoframework/kitto/wiki/Available-Widgets [archives-repo]: https://github.com/kittoframework/archives [gitter]: https://gitter.im/kittoframework/Lobby [archives-commit]: https://github.com/kittoframework/archives/commit/f56502523e0c1d9b274b8e96bcd0d0ab8e4bee02 [kitto-hex]: https://hex.pm/packages/kitto [release-commit]: https://github.com/kittoframework/kitto/commit/1b245f57726c98ac8fa0e3b6e308ff229aafc544 [upgrade-guide]: https://github.com/kittoframework/kitto/wiki/Upgrading-Guide