Hello there! I'm Kislev Levy, a passionate Full Stack Developer with a knack for crafting dynamic and intuitive web applications. My journey in programming began with a love for creating visually stunning front-end experiences, which naturally evolved into exploring the depths of back-end development to bring robust functionality to my projects. I thrive on challenges and am always eager to learn new technologies and methodologies to enhance my skills and deliver exceptional user experiences.
- Plex-Netflix API for seamless integration between the two platforms - mid-development stage.
- ChatGPT API application to manage university student's exams, practice, and assignments - planning stage.
React, Next.js, and Redux Udemy course by Jonas Schmedtmann (CodingHeroes).
I led the development of the 'Teva-Naot' application as my college final project, which included a management platform and an e-commerce website.
I was introduced to front-end development when I was 14, and my Ikarim clan master promoted me to be the clan site manager. Then, I left that skill to rest for nine years until I caught up on it!
Thank you for visiting my profile! Feel free to explore my repositories and connect with me on LinkedIn.