$ git clone git@github.com:kirillin/youbot_arm_kinematics.git
from youbot_arm_kinematics.kinematics import Kinematics
from youbot_arm_kinematics.dh_parameters import YouBotDHParameters
ks = Kinematics(YouBotDHParameters.DH_A, YouBotDHParameters.DH_ALPHA,
YouBotDHParameters.DH_D, YouBotDHParameters.DH_THETA)
For forward kinematics problem:
xyz, qtn, rpy, h = ks.forward(q)
where xyz = [x, y, z]
, qtn = [a, b, c, d]
, rpy = [roll, pitch, yaw]
, h
- matrix homogeneous transformations.
For inverse kinematics problem:
qs, solves = ks.inverse(xyz, rpy)
where qs
- matrix with configurations, solves
- achievable configurations.
You can see details in nodes scripts/fk_test
and scripts/ik_test
$ roslaunch youbot_arm_kinematics fk.launch
$ rosrun youbot_arm_kinematics fk_test
Changing values for angles in joint_state_publisher window and see simulation...
$ roslaunch youbot_arm_kinematics ik.launch
$ rosrun youbot_arm_kinematics ik_test
Calling the service /ik
see result in simulation. For example candle-manipulator pose.
$ rosservice call /ik "xyz:
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.63
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.0"
Have fun!