Personal Arch Linux + Hyprland dotfiles
- Hyprland - wayland based window manager
- Waybar - status bar
- neovim - NvChad's Config
- fastfetch / neofetch
- wofi - drun, powermenu
- hyprbars - title bars!
- swww - set background image dynamically
- dunst - notifications
Packages to be installed
Run this install command to get the essential packages
yay -S waybar hyprland dunst hyprshot hyprpicker brightness brightnessctl light kitty swww wofi wl-clipboard swaylock-effects pamixer btop cliphist xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland pywal cava-git fastfetch neovim
Comic Mono Fansaque Mono
yay -S ttf-comic-mono-git ttf-fantasque-sans-mono
yay -S cmake meson brillo cpio hyprwayland-scanner
hyprpm add
yay -S tlp gdb wev libinput-gestures gdu fim gammastep
yay -S nwg-look
yay -S lolcat bat tetris-tui-git cowsay gnome-mines pipes.c cmatrix asciiquarium
yay -S ytermusic ncspot ytfzf pdftk
yay -S openfortivpn kicad kicad-libary kicad-library-3d obs trasnmision vscodium chrome pinta discord betterdiscordctl