By KingsDesign
Hit the ground running with this Gatsby starter project featuring Chakra UI for styling & full Mdx support with automatic image optimisation.
- Chakra UI with dark theme disabled
- Mdx Support with automatic Gatsby Image transformation
- Preact by default
- Gatsby Root Imports
- SEO Friendly
- Typeface from FontSource
- React Icons
Here's some things you might want to do before you start working:
- Update package.json with details about your project
- Update siteMetadata in gatsby-config.js
- Change the default font
- Update your Chakra UI theme in src/@chakra-ui/gatsby-plugin/theme.js
- Update your default social sharing image in src/components/HeadSEO.js
By default, this project uses Fontsource's npm package for Encode Sans, and imports it via the custom Chakra UI theme.
To use a different font from Fontsource:
- Run
npm remove @fontsource/encode-sans || yarn remove @fontsource/encode-sans
- Browse and find the package for the font you want
- Install using the provided commands
- Open src/@chakra-ui/gatsby-plugin/theme.js
- Remove imports for Encode Sans
- Add imports for your selected Fontsource package
This project uses a custom Chakra UI theme which can be found in Open src/@chakra-ui/gatsby-plugin/theme.js.
By default, this project has some custom colors & fonts, has useSystemColorMode
set to false, and sets the default colour mode to light
See Chakra UI's theme customization documentation for information about customising this theme, or simply delete src/@chakra-ui if you only want to use the default Chakra UI theme.
This project's HeadSEO components sets a default og:image
and twitter:image
. It also accepts an image prop which can be used to assign a different social sharing image for a page.
To update the default image, add your image file to the src/images folder. Then open src/components/HeadSEO.js and change "defaultSocialShareImage" in the graphql query to the name of your desired default image. Take note that the graphql query is filtering by name, so you should ensure the image file has a unique name, and you do not include its extension in the query.