D&D Above - Play with True advantage
D&D Above is the ultimate D&D Character Builder and Character Sheet. Create, build and play your D&D characters anywhere, anytime.
To get started run git clone ggit@github.com:kimrejstrom/dnd-above.git && cd dnd-above && npm ci
in your terminal of choice.
A PWA Enabled web app optimized for both desktop and mobile. Automatic background saving for ease of use at the table where you are playing.
React and Redux Toolkit using Typescript is at the core of this starter kit (see Technologies section for details). The starter-kit is bootstrapped using Create-React-App, and has not been ejected. As the project uses Typescript, ESLint and Prettier have been configured to handle linting and autofixing syntax problems. The project comes bundled with a simple Github workflow for Continuous Integration and default Github Issues and Pull Request templates.
It is out-of-the-box compatible with deployments to static hosting providers such as Netlify and Zeit.
RR Starter-kit offers a streamlined development experience using the following technologies:
Tech | Description | Learn More |
Create React App | Modern build tools with zero-config for React apps. | Official Docs |
React | Fast, composable client-side components. | Official Docs |
Redux Toolkit | The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development. | Official Docs |
React Router | A complete routing library for React. | Official Docs |
Tailwind CSS | A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs. | Official Docs |
MDX | MDX is an authorable format that lets you seamlessly write JSX in your Markdown documents. | Official Docs |
Jest | Automated tests with built-in expect assertions | Official Docs |
Enzyme | DOM testing without a browser using Node. | Official Docs |
ESLint | Lint Typescript. Reports syntax and style issues |
This project was bootstrapped with RR Starter Kit.
This project is licensed under the MIT
License - see the LICENSE file for details