I hold three degrees in Statistics, Computer Science and Business Administration. My journey began with a decade-long tenure at a securities firm, where I gained experience in financial markets and investments through sales and support roles. Subsequently, I dedicated four years to researching algorithmic trading as a full-time pursuit. Recently, I've joined the strategic planning department in a corporation, where I'm broadening my understanding of capital markets by performing various financial decision-making tasks including investment analysis, M&A, and PMI(Post-Merger Integration). All of these experiences are part of my journey towards becoming a more comprehensive investor, a challenge I find both exciting and fulfilling.
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Degree | Name | Graduation Year |
Bachelor | Business Administration | 2025 |
Bachelor | Computer Science | 2020 |
Bachelor | Statistics | 2011 |
Category | Issuing Organization | Certificate | Issued Year |
Finance | 한국금융투자협회 Korea Financial Investment Association |
재무위험관리사 Certified Financial Risk Manager |
2015 |
금융투자분석사 Certified Research Analyst |
2012 | ||
투자자산운용사 Certified Investment Manager |
2010 | ||
Accounting | 삼일회계법인 Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers |
재경관리사 Certified Accounting Manager |
2020 |
한국원가관리협회 Korea Cost Accounting Association |
원가분석사 Cost Analyst |
2024 | |
Business | 한국창업보육협회 Korea Business Incubation Association |
창업보육전문매니저 Certified Business Incubation Manager |
2024 |
Compliance | 한국금융연수원 Korea Banking Institute |
영업점 컴플라이언스 오피서 (증권) Certified Branch Compliance Officer (Securities) |
2020 |
IT | 과학기술정보통신부 Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea |
정보처리기사 Engineer Information Processing |
2019 |
한국데이터산업진흥원 Korea Data Agency |
SQL 개발자 (SQLD) SQL Developer |
2023 | |
데이터 분석 준전문가 (ADsP) Advanced Data Analytics Semi-Professional |
2019 |
Category | Skill |
Familiar with Computational and Automated Trading |
Skilled at Quantitative Analysis | |
Extensible Generalist | |
Tools | |
Love |