This is a calendar widget for Mendix. It shows a Calendar and can render objects as events in it.
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- FullCalendar v2.3.2
- JQuery v2.1.3
- Moments.js v2.9.0
The Calendar Widget is a Mendix implementation of the open-source jQuery widget FullCalendar.
This widget supports 4 types of data source. All these require the Event Entity to be set.
The default is 'XPath retrieve'. This can be combined with an optional XPath Constraint.
The 'Microflow' option uses the 'Data source microflow' to fill the events for the calendar. Make sure this microflow returns a list of objects of the same type as the 'Event Entity'.
The 'Microflow with context object' lets you pass a context object (from a Dataview) to the microflow to retrieve the events. When using this option, you can use the 'Dataview Context (Optional)' options to set up the configuration for this. Make sure this microflow returns a list of objects of the same type as the 'Event Entity'.
NEW The 'Microflow with context object (Retrieve events for each view)' does the same as the above version, but this one lets you filter them based on the current view. This requires the 'Reference to ViewRender entity (if used)' to be set. This reference will be set and the referenced ViewRender object will contain the Start and End datetime needed to constrain the events on. The normal 'Dataview data source microflow' is still used for this retrieve.
The entity for the Event objects that will be shown on the Calendar.
An optional XPath constraint. This is only used when the data source type is set to 'XPath retrieve'.
The microflow to fill the Calendar. Only used when the Data source type is set to 'Microflow'. Make sure this microflow returns a list of objects of the same type as the 'Event Entity'.
These options are only applicable if the 'Data source type' is set to 'Microflow with context object'.
The entity of the dataview in which the Calendar widget is placed.
This reference will be used to link the ViewRender object to the context object, so that it can be retrieved in the datasource microflow.
This option lets you specify an attribute of the Dataview object to be used as the start position where the Calendar opens.
The microflow to fill the Calendar. Only used when the Data source type is set to 'Microflow with context object' and should have one input parameter, matching with the 'Dataview Entity'. Make sure this microflow returns a list of objects of the same type as the 'Event Entity'.
The String attribute that contains the title for the event.
The DateTime attribute that contains the Start date for the event.
The DateTime attribute that contains the End date for the event.
The Boolean attribute that specifies if the event is an All Day event, or at a specific time that day.
Boolean to set if the user is allowed to change the events using drag and drop.
A microflow that is triggered whenever an event is changed through drag and drop. The microflow gets the Event object as input parameter. (Only works if 'Editable' is set to True)
A microflow that is triggered when an event is clicked. The microflow gets the Event object as input parameter.
A microflow that is triggered when the user clicks somewhere in the calendar where there is no event yet. This will create a new object of the same entity as the 'Event entity' with the Start attribute filled with the date that was clicked, and send this to the microflow as input parameter.
This reference can be configured from the Event entity to the context object and will be set when a new Event is created by clicking in the Calendar.
The view that the Calendar should start on.
The height of the Calendar in pixels.
This boolean lets you turn the weeknumbers on and off.
The title for the column with the weeknumbers. This defaults to a simple 'W'.
You can set an enumeration here (an attribute on the Event Entity) to specify the color for each event. The enumeration key has to match with one of the colors specified under 'Colors'.
A list of event color combinations and their matching Enumeration key, as set in 'Enum for colors'.
A boolean to set if the weekends should be shown on the Calendar.
An integer to set what the first day of the week is, where 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc.
Default: h:mm{ - h:mm}. For more information: Be aware that this format is mutually exclusive with the View specific time formats.
The date format that is shown in the column headings. For more information: Be aware that this format is mutually exclusive with the View specific date formats.
The header title format that is shown in the header's title. For more information:
A translatable string of all the month names that are used in the Calendar.
A translatable string of all the shorthand month names that are used in the Calendar.
A translatable string of all the day names that are used in the Calendar.
A translatable string of all the shorthand day names that are used in the Calendar.
A list of which views should be available to the user in the Calendar (Month, Basic Week, Agenda Week, Basic Day, Agenda Day). For more information:
Default: h:mm{ - h:mm}. Overrides the 'general' custom time format property. For more information:
For more information:
For more information:
Caption used for the 'calendar view' button. For more information:
The format of the vertical axis labels in agenda views (default h(:mm)tt)
The time interval (in minutes) of day and week calendars. (Default: 30)
Caption on button which jumps to today. Default: Today
The text titling the "all-day" slot at the top of the calendar. Default: all-day. This option only applies to Agendaweek en AgendaDay views.
The start time for each day. This property only applies to Agendaweek en AgendaDay views.
The end time for each day. This property only applies to Agendaweek en AgendaDay views.
This callback will get triggered when the user changes the view, or when any of the date navigation methods are called.
Microflow triggered when a new date-range is rendered, or when the view type switches.(
The entity being passed to the on view change microflow. Reflecting the view change start and end date.
The starting date of the view (fullcalendar's intervalStart of the view). E.g. first day of the month when rendering month view.
The end date of the view (fullcalendar's intervalEnd of the view). E.g. last day of the month when rendering month view.