FreeMentor is a social initiative where accomplished professionals become role models to young people to provide free mentorship sessions.
I developed UI for Fronted with HTML,CSS,JavaScript and also i developed API for functionality of project.
First let see how my UI look like, here is the list of pages on UI templete
- Home page.
- Sing up page, after sign up with email only you will be redirected to another pages contain form to fill your profile.
- Sign in page.
- User dashboard,here user will be able to view all mentors available and also can view profile of specific mentor so that he/she can request mentorship session.
- mentor dashboard, here mentor will be able to accept mentorship session request or decide to decline it.
- Admin dashboard,admin will be able to view all mentors and users so that he/she can decide to change user to a mentor.
To view UI templete simply click on this link
To get started visist UI templete click on Get Started button from the home page and create account and complete the profile. You will be redirected to the user dashboard on the dashboard you will see all mentors available so you can start creating metorship sessions.
- To see admin dashboard simply click on this link From Admin dashboard admin can change user to mentor.
- To see mentor dashboard simply click on this link
Here is a list of all API Endpoints that you will find:
- POST /api/v2/auth/signup: before you do anything first create an account.
- POST /api/v2/auth/signin: if you already have an acount you can use this EndPoint to sign in.
- PATCH /api/v2/auth/user/:id : This EndPoint is for admin want to change user to mentor.
- GET /api/v2/auth/mentors : this EndPoint is for user want to view all mentor.
- GET /api/v2/auth/mentors/:id : this EndPoint is for user want to view specific mentor profile.
- POST /api/v2/auth/sessions : this Endpoint is for user want to create sessions.
- PATCH /api/v2/auth/sessions/:sessionsId/reject : Finally mentor can use this to reject.
- PATCH /api/v2/auth/sessions/:sessionsId/accept : and also this to to accept mentorship sessions.
- Server side Framework : Node/Express
- Linting Library: ESLint
- Style Guide: Airbnb
- Testing Framework: Mocha
- Database: Postgresql
- JavaScript Es6 with Babel transpiler
- TravisCI for Continous Integration
- nyc for test coverage
- CodeClimate and Coveralls for badges
- Heroku for Deployment
- Here is link for documantation for APIs EndPoints
- UI Templete Here is link for UI templete
- For a better test you will need to use POSTMAN
- Install git
- Install Node js
- Clone Repo FreeMentor
$ To move into folder
$ cd FreeMentor-develop
Install dependincies as they appear in package.json file by
$ npm install
To start the server do
$ npm run dev-start
To run the test do
$ npm run test