Phase-1-Project-TriviaApp: Box Brains
Box Brains is a trivia app where a user gets to test their wits and knowledge on various topics question. They are multiple choice answers where the user get to be shown the correct answer after seven seconds. The question disappers at the 11th second for the next one to load. Each round is twenty questions. The user can pick from the menu field the category he/she wants to be quized in.
- Web browser
- Quick mind
- Open the following link in your browser:
- Click the start button at the center of the page to go for a random questioning round of 20 questions.
- You can go to the menu and select a category to be quized in.
- Each round contains 20 questions.
- You can replay a round by pressing the replay button at the bottom right corner of the page or reselect a category.
- One can register by filling in the form retrieved by clicking the register Icon at the top right corner of the page.
This project was contributed by: Kimathi Njoki
This project is under ISC License