Formvue is a Vue 2.x component library that generates dynamic forms from a provided JSON schema. It is tailored to be used with another Typo3 library "Extended Form Framework" but you can easily translate any configuration to the required format.
- preferably install Typo3 and Extended Form Framework before.
- prepare your front end to be able to use es6 features and Vue. You can use webpack for that.
- make sure you are using Node version >= 12.18.3 (check out nvm for using a certain Node version).
- install the newest version of formvue-json via npm.
- register the custom registry url for @ondigo-internal npm packages (see
Most noteably this will install Vue version 2.6.11, Vuetify 2.4.0 and Vuex 3.4.0
Already having different versions of these libraries in your project could lead to problems.
If you already use Vuex you need to look into merging your store with formvues store yourself.
import {
FormVue, // required
createStore, // required
OnTextfieldText, // optional field for testing
} from 'formvue-json';
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib/framework';
// configure Vue with all the features you want to use
// Vuex and Vuetify are required (make sure you only configure these once)
// grab an element you want to mount Vue into
const formVueWrapper=document.querySelector('.form-vue-wrapper');
// grab your form configuration.
// In this case we stored it on the window object
const formVueConfig=window.extendedforms['form-vue-form'];
// extended is an object that can contain multiple forms. We take the one with the key form-vue-form
// create an instance of Vue and use it to render the Vue component FormVue.
// Then mount the instance into your wrapper in this case formVueWrapper
new Vue({
vuetify: new Vuetify({}), // configure Vuetify to match your theme needs
store: createStore(Vuex, { // create a pre filled Vuex store
formData: formSchema, // this is the important part
callbacksMap: {} // this is optional and will be explained later
render: h => h(FormVue, {
props: {
componentsMap: { // register the components you want to use here
Text: OnTextfieldText,
fieldPropsOverwrite: {
filled: true // force all vuetify inputs to be variant=filled
import {
} from 'formvue-json';
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib/framework';
// configure Vue
In this case we want to initialize all the forms of the current page at once
export default function initFormVue() {
const forms = document.querySelectorAll('[data-id]'); // select all the DOM Nodes that are supposed to contain a form later
const formConfigsMap = window.extendedforms; // get the configuration for all the pages forms. It is an object / dictionary [formId]: formConfig
if (!formConfigsMap) return; // if the page did not contain a form configuration return early
// create your vuetify theme once
const theme = {
primary: '#637785',
error: '#e4052f',
const vuetifyConfig = {
theme: {
dark: false,
themes: {
light: theme,
dark: theme
// optional!
const callbacksMap={ // a dictionary of callbacks that can be fired after finishing a form step or the entire form
GoogleAnalytics: async(cbArgs)=>{
if (typeof gtag === 'function') {
const {eventAction="Rückruf", eventCategory="Rückruf beantragen", eventLabel="Overlay"}=cbArgs;
return gtag('event', eventAction, {'event_category': eventCategory, 'event_label': eventLabel});
// optional!
function scrollToError(inputWithError) {
if (inputWithError) {
let scrollTarget = inputWithError.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY;
const offset = 100;
scrollTarget -= offset;
scrollTarget = scrollTarget > 0 ? scrollTarget : 0;
top: scrollTarget,
behavior: 'smooth'
// iterate over all DOM Nodes that are supposed to be forms and try creating a form for them
for (let form of forms) {
// in this case we store the id of the form configuration inside the data-id propery of each DOM Node
const id = form.getAttribute('data-id');
if (!id) continue;
const formSchema = formConfigsMap[id]; // try finding the form configuration with the specified id inside the formConfigsMap
if (!formSchema || !formSchema.configuration) continue; // if we dont find a valid configuration object skip this form
new Vue({
vuetify: new Vuetify(vuetifyConfig),
store: createStore(Vuex, {
formData: formSchema,
callbacksMap: callbacksMap
render: h => h(FormVue, {
props: {
componentsMap: {
Text: OnTextfieldText,
Email: OnTextfieldEmail,
Number: OnTextfieldNumber,
Honeypot: HiddenfieldHoneypot,
Checkbox: OnCheckBox,
LinkedCheckbox: OnCheckBox,
SingleSelect: OnSelect,
FileUpload: FileUpload,
StaticText: StaticText,
Textarea: OnTextArea,
Oncaptcha: OnCaptcha,
Telephone: Telephone
fieldPropsOverwrite: {
filled: true // force all vuetify inputs to be variant=filled
scrollToErrorCallback: scrollToError // add a function that gets called when the form error summary is clicked
name | type | required | default |
formSchema | FormSchema | true | |
componentsMap | ComponentsMap | true | {} |
appName | String | false | tx_form_formframework |
fieldPropsOverwrite | Vue Component Props | false | {} |
scrollToErrorCallback | ScrollToErrorCallback | false | noOp=()=>{} |
contains the entire configuration for the current form but for now we only care about the key elements
interface FormSchema {
elemenents: ElementDefinition[];
type ElementDefinition=InputElementDefinition | ContainerElementDefinition | ContentElementDefinition;
interface ComponentsMap {
[elementIdentifier: string]: VueComponent
function scrollToErrorCallback(firstInputWithError: HTMLElement){
// use the provided HTMLElement to lead the user to the first error.
// you focus it, scroll it into view, make it blink or implement your own idea
to be implemented
you can find useful utilty functions inside the lib folder formvue-json/src/lib/util.ts
Some of these functions will be re exported from the library root but otherwise you can grab them from src.
takes the validators found in the InputElementDefinition and generates an array of VuetifyValidationRules.
const createInputRules = (required: boolean, validators: ElementValidators, context: ElementProperties): VuetifyValidationRules => {
const rules = createValidatorsMap(validators, context);
if (!!required) rules.require = (v) => !!v
const rulesArray = [];
for (const key in rules) rulesArray.push(rules[key])
return rulesArray;
This project tries to follow the following structure:
├── components (component root)
│ ├── containers (components rendering other components)
│ ├── fields
│ │ ├── base ("atomic" components without store)
│ │ ├── composed (components extending base components with store)
│ │ └── ... (either components which are not yet compliant or other fields)
│ ├── mixin
│ └── ...
├── stories (stories root)
│ ├── base
│ ├── composed
│ ├── vuetify (stories about original vuetify components for reference)
│ └── ...
├── lib
├── store (everything related to the data store)
└── ...
This package follows the semantic versioning policy. Add a Git tag to a commit to resolve it using npm.
Base components should not have anything related to store. They should only serve as vuetify wrapper. The goal behind base components is, that they can be embedded in other of our components without any problems.
Generally, here are some criteria for base components:
- they should not use the vuex store
- Generally, it should be possible to bind
components extending the base component. You can useInputValueMixin
to transitively bind the v-model. When extra handling / custom behaviour is needed in super components, one can overwrite the member functions of that mixin in the component. - they should be the minimal building parts of the library