Memory game for Raspberry Pico with ADKeyboard and led RGB V2
Memory Game : push corresponding switch (1,4 and 5) to reproduce the sequence shown by the leds. switches 2 and 3 to reset the game.
green flashing : show the sequence to reproduce
blue flashing : the player reproduces the sequence
red flashing : wrong sequence - game restarts
I have not found an easy way to make a nice picture (I have not found the ADkeyboard and the led component for fritzing) Connections: LED RGB V2 : I connected the D0 to the D7 to the pins 1 to 8 on the Pico, the RGB pins to the 18, 19,20 pins and the VCC to the VCC
ADKeyboard : I connected the out to the pin 28 and VCC and out to the corresponding pin
the game is in Pyhton, not an optimized code but works for now
To do :
optimize code
comment code