Local storage is now used so that the user doesn't have to request the videos every time the page is loaded.
Key changes in the pages/index.tsx
const requestLoadAll = () => {
if (isStorageValid(48)) {
} else {
api.getAllClips((allEmbedUrls: string[]) => {
const shuffledVideos = shuffle(allEmbedUrls)
useEffect(() => requestLoadAll(), [])
isStorageValid(hours elapsed: number)
is an auxiliary function that determines if the local storage values are valid. In this version, the clips are re-requested if the storage is empty or if the values were written more than 48 hours ago. This is done inside utils/storage.ts
const isStorageValid = (hoursElapsed: number) => {
const storedVideos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('finishershub.videos'))
const storedSavedTime = new Date(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('finishershub.videos-fetch-date'))).getTime()
const expiredStorage = Math.abs(new Date().getTime() - storedSavedTime) / 36e5 > hoursElapsed
if (storedVideos === null || storedSavedTime === null || expiredStorage) return false
else return true
const writeVideosStorage = (videos: string[]) => {
localStorage.setItem('finishershub.videos', JSON.stringify(videos))
localStorage.setItem('finishershub.videos-fetch-date', JSON.stringify(new Date()))