CoronaLog app for CoVID-19 offline loggin
- dr Łukasz Kownacki, M.D., Ph.D. , radiolosist idea and project menagement,
- Mateusz Kierepka, IT leader - coding and graphics coordination,
- Radosław Kierepka, graphics designer,
- Łukasz Makowski, publications, PR and commercialisation,
- What it is? How does it work? What problem does it solve?
CoronaHack is a FREE App that tackles the problem of tracing the potential disease spread by warning users potencially infected with SARS-COV-2 virus. The project is led by a medical doctor (dr Łukasz Kownacki).
By a wireless logging of all the user's interactions with other people during meetings and other situations.
The App needs to be installed on the phones of all participants of the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting all the participants start the CoronaLog App and by a Bluetooth Low Energy protocol log the contact information of every user present at the meeting. Each user has his own log of the meetings stored locally in a fully private manner, no special erver is used to store this information, the application does not exchange any information via Internet to store this data (legal issues solved).
Every meeting can be named by the user, however an automatic "meeting name" is proposed each time by the application based on date and time the location of the meeting is also stored. The user can manually add the participants' data from the displayed list of BT Beacons, but "include all" automatic option is also available.
If the user if POSITIVELY TESTED for COVID-19, he/she can automatically warn all the logged contacts from last 14 days by giving them important informations:
a) Date of the obtained test from the COVID-19 positive user
b) Date/time the user has observed his/her first symptoms, or the information that he/she is a carrier without any symptoms so far
c) Date/time/ GPSlocation of the enounter with another user that receives the warning
d) Direct link to the webpage with informations on "what to do next" and hints of risk assessment (estimated likehood of beeing infected from the multipe warning contacts).
Optionally, the entire log from the meetings can be also exported and serve as a help to medical authorities (eg.SANEPID) in their investigation to target the potencially infected contacts.
The application is able to automatically send SMS / emails / warning in the application to all people with whom the infected user has encountered and logged in together at meetings etc in the last 14 days. The whole works offline (no need to register anywhere) and uses locally stored contacts.
It solves the problem the fast spread of COVID-19 disease by automatically notifying potentially infected people from contact with an infected person so that the "warned users" can quickly SELF-ISOLATE not to pass the disease further.
According to WHO: the incubation period (time from infection to symptoms of COVID-19) ranges between 1 - 14 days, symptoms occur most frequently 5 days after exposure. The patient can spread the disease at least 1 day prior to any symptoms.
The instant information provided by CoronaHack App can act as a very precise and INSTANT FUSE to break the potential chain of subsequent infections taking place in ANY environment by introducing a quick quarantine for people who should self-isolate FAST.
The app is "semi-automatic" as theoreticaly possible "fully automatic BT logging" could spread confussion and panic and it DOES NOT comply with WHO definition of the "contact" meaning:
- person was in direct contact (eg. touching, hugging) or in near contact below 2 meters for over 15 minutes
- had a face to face conversation with a symptomatic person for a prolonged time
- infected person is from a group of close friends
- person staying in the same household, flat, hotel room
Thus it's all in the hands of the responsible, aware user so it solves the problem the fast spread of COVID-19 disease by automatically notifying potentially infected people from contact with an infected person so that the "warned users" can quickly SELF-ISOLATE and break the disease spread.
ArtApp team has the resources and experience to make full project work an make the free app fully available withing days after BETA-testing. We have skills and a variety of equipment to test CoronaHack App on many different devices. We have the knowledge and resource for effective publishing and commercialisation of CoronaHack App; first beta-version of CoronaHack is entering a testing phase
CoronaHack will have a GLOBAL IMPACT, as until now there are no good tools to follow the history of meetings of an infected person (from last two weeks) to notify potencially endangered contacts. As this app can be installed on Android and IOS, it's scalability is indefinite. The HoronaHack App has a global potential. The functions of app are needed across the globe NOW ! The CoronaHack app is easy to translate to any language with English beeing de default.
Please describe what will be the effect or the result if your project will be implemented to the end-user. "Peace of mind" - the users don't need to worry about beeing unaware of the infection, when they could spread the disease to others, including their relatives and co-workers. Apart from practical poin of view it also solves many psychologic problems, as the users might feel much safer among the other users of CoronaHack at the meetings. Theoretically all the meeting and encouters could be "CoronaHack dependant", setting a global standard of awareness. As this approach solves the problem the fast spread of COVID-19 disease by automatically notifying potentially infected people so that the "warned users" can quickly SELF-ISOLATE not to pass the disease further. This could make a great difference to the current tragic situation.
How massive will be the impact on a current situation the society lives in? Does it influence some communities, locally or maybe cross-country?
In the difficult time of COVID-19 outbreak, unneeded personal contact is discouraged and remote work becomes a favoured method. However, in many real-life situations, it is practically impossible not to personally meet with other people in both „at work” and „private" situations.
This is especially important for medical personnel as their likehood of infection is much higher while interpersonal interactions can't be avoided at this kind of work.
CoronaHack will have a GLOBAL IMPACT, as until now there are no good tools to follow the history of meetings of an infected person (from last two weeks) to notify potencially endangered contacts.