Project Description
Virtual operating system simulator for: Kennesaw State Univeristy
How To Get Started
Step 1: Get Visual Studio Code Installed
Step 2: Install .NET Core 3.1
- Choose "Download .NET Core SDK
- Follow steps to install .NET Core
Step 3: Configure Visual Studio Code For C#
- Configure per your machine for Windows or Mac (Linux requires 3rd party requirements)
- Install the C# extension for VSC
- Runs shell scripts that configure your environment
Step 4: Install the Git Extension Pack From Visual Studio Code
- Direct Link:
- How-To-SetUp-&-Use Video: (Credits To: 'Code Insights' For Video)
Step 5: Running the project
- In a terminal (any terminal will work provided .NET Core was installed), use the command "dotnet run" in the root directory of the project
- If dotnet run does not work, you may have improperly installed .NET Core, please make sure you did not install .NET Framework or a different verion by mistake!
Disclaimer: We do not own the copyrights to Visual Studio Code. We also do not intend to use for reselling of software to any 3rd party clients. Please reach out in our issues page for any concerns regarding software used for this project for Kennesaw State University