version 0.1
- Convert an Alexa Interaction model to a LUIS model
- Run samples/index.html from a hosted environment as a static website.
- Open exported Alexa model as a json file.
- Press "Convert" button.
- Save generated LUIS model as a json file.
- Edit version of required.
- Not all built-in Alexa entities and intents are covered (= not mapped into built-in LUIS intents or entities). See the maps in Alexa2Luis.ts - builtInAlexaIntents and buildInTypesMap.
- Choosing between ClosedList and Hierarchical entities is an open question (when converting typed entities).
- Samples with more than one occurrence of the same slot are ignore as not supported for LUIS. E.g. "What is the difference between {term} and {term}".
- Samples (e.g. patterns) with different number of ending space charecters are threated by LUIS as equal (manual edits required so far). E.g. "What is {term}" and "what is {term} ".
- On import edits for version number in LUIS model might be required.