Adds the singleplayer trains & tram to RedM. Originally for OldWesternRP & made standalone for any RedM server to use.
- Download the latest version from Releases
- Drop
into the resources folder - Add
ensure ts-trains
to your config file
- Config file for train routes & stops
- NPC Passengers
- Robbable trains, NPC + Armoured Using the above native you can locate the track switches, the first parameter is the track hash and the second parameter is the index of the switch.
To find track switches I reccommend looking through decompiled R* scripts to find switch ids
- Find the train stops and get the coordinates + heading for each.
- Find the track switches and get the coordinates, heading, track id, switch id & switch state.
- Copy the below code and rename the subroutine.
static TrainRoute exampleTrainRoute = new TrainRoute(new List<Vector4>(){
new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f), //Train stop coordinates + heading
new Vector4(2970.45f,1313.431f,45.47572f,344.4733f), // Example of above
}, new List<TrackSwitch>(){
new TrackSwitch(new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f), 0, 0, 0), //Track switch info
new TrackSwitch(new Vector4(2659.79f,-435.7114f,43.38848f,5.359f),-705539859, 13, 0), // Example of above
}, 5.0, // Train Speed
new Vector3(2608.539f, -1171.967f, 53.77959f), //Train start coordinates
TrainModels.Train8, 10);
public static int exampleTrainHandle = 0;
static async Task ExampleTrainTick()
if (API.NetworkIsHost())
TrainRoute tr = exampleTrainRoute; // Set to config
if (!API.DoesEntityExist(exampleTrainHandle))
Log.Info("Creating Example Train");
valTrainHandle = await TrainVehicle.Create(tr.Model, tr.TrainSpawn, tr.Npcs);
BaseScript.TriggerServerEvent("Trains.Update", API.VehToNet(valTrainHandle), API.VehToNet(bigTrainHandle), API.VehToNet(tramTrainHandle),API.VehToNet(exampleTrainHandle)); //Update with new train
TrackSwitch nextSwitch = tr.Switches.OrderBy(o => Distance.EntityDistanceToSquared(exampleTrainHandle, new Vector3(o.switchLoc.X, o.switchLoc.Y, o.switchLoc.Z))).First();
if (Distance.EntityDistanceToSquared(valTrainHandle, new Vector3(nextSwitch.switchLoc.X, nextSwitch.switchLoc.Y, nextSwitch.switchLoc.Z)) < 15f)
Function.Call((Hash)0xE6C5E2125EB210C1, nextSwitch.switchId, nextSwitch.switchState1, nextSwitch.switchState2);
Function.Call((Hash)0x3ABFA128F5BF5A70, nextSwitch.switchId, nextSwitch.switchState1, nextSwitch.switchState2);
Vector4 nextStop = tr.Stops.OrderBy(o => Distance.EntityDistanceToSquared(exampleTrainHandle, new Vector3(o.X, o.Y, o.Z))).First();
if (Distance.EntityDistanceToSquared(exampleTrainHandle, new Vector3(nextStop.X, nextStop.Y, nextStop.Z)) < 10f)
API.SetTrainCruiseSpeed(exampleTrainHandle, 0f);
await BaseScript.Delay(tr.Cooldown * 1000);
API.SetTrainCruiseSpeed(exampleTrainHandle, (float)tr.CruiseSpeed);
await BaseScript.Delay(60000);
catch (Exception ex)
await BaseScript.Delay(1000);
await Task.FromResult(0);
- Register the tick handler in the TrainRequestHandler subroutine.
- Add the new train to the server side code by simply copying the same format used for the other trains.
- Compile