This is my code from all the projects in my 100 Days Of Swift
Project/Topic | Screenshots |
Project1 - Storm Viewer File Manager, View Controllers, Storyboard |
Project2 - Guess The Flag! UIButton, CALayer, IBAction |
Project3 - ShareSheet (technique) ShareSheet, UIActivityViewController, UIBarButtonItem |
Milestone: Projects 1-3 - FLAGS! | |
Project4 - Easy Web Browser WebKit, WKWebView, UIToolBar, UIProgressBar |
Project5 - Anagrams! Reading from disks (contentsOfFile), UIAlertController, UITextChecker |
Project6 - Auto Layout (technique) Aspect Ratio Constraints, Visual Format Language(VFL), AutoLayout anchors |
Milestone: Projects 4-6 - ShoppingList(ShoppingList) | |
Project7 - Petitions UITabBarController, Data, Codable, UIStoryboard, parsing JSON |
Project8 - Swifty Words! Layout margins, UIFont, ButtonTargets, didSet |
Project9 - Grand Central Dispatch QoS queues, Perform Selector |
Milestone: Projects 7-9 - HungMan! | |
Project10 - Names To Faces UICollectionView, UICollectionViewCell, UIImagePickerController, NSObject |
Project11 - Pachinko SpriteKit, SKSpriteNode, SKPhysicsBody, UITouch, SKAction, SKPhysicsContactDelegate, SKLabelNode, SKEmitterNode |
Project12 - User Defaults User Defaults, NSCoding, Codable |
Milestone: Projects 10-12 - PhotosApp! | |
Project13 - InstaFilter! CIContext, CIFilter, , UIImagePickerController, UISlider |
Project14 - Whack-A-Penguin! SKCropNode, SKTexture, SKAction moveBy(x:y:duration: ), SKAction sequences |
Project15 - Animation! Animation, animate(withDuration: ), CGAffineTransform, alpha |
Milestone: Projects 13-15 - COUNTRY-FACTS | |
Project16 - Capital Cities MapKit, MKMapView, MKAnnotation, MKPinAnnotation, CLLocationCoordinate2D |
Project17 - Space Race Linear/Angular Damping, Timer, Pixel-Perfect Collision Detection, didBegin() |
Project18 - Debugging assert(), breakpoints, View debugging, debugging with print() |
No screenshots |
Milestone: Projects 16-18 - TargetPractice! | |
Project19 - JavaScript Injection - an iOS Safari extension NSExtensionItem, JavaScript, UITextView, NotificationCenter |
Project20 - Detonate The Fireworks! UIBezierPath, SKAction.follow(), for case let, SKEmitterNode |
Project21 - Local Notifications UNUserNotificationCenter, UNNotificationRequest, UNnotificationAction, Requesting permission for notifications |
Milestone: Projects 19-21 - Notes App! | |
Project22 - iBeacon Tracker! Core Location, CLBeaconRegion, iBeacon technology, Location permissions |
Project23 - Penguin-Ninja! SKShapeNode, AVAudioPlayer, touchesEnded(), CaseIterable |
Project24 - Swift Strings String, String Subscripts, NSAttributedString, contains(where: ) |
No screenshots |
Milestone: Projects 22-24 - Swift Extensions |
No screenshots |
Project25 - SelfieShare! P2P MCSession, MCBrowserViewController, MCPeerID |
Project26 - Marble Maze! Core Motion, CMMotionManager, Combining bitmasks, Custom Physics Bitmasks, fatalError(), SKAction |
Project27 - Core Graphics UIGraphicsImageRenderer, Core Graphics, CGRect, NSAttributedString |
Milestone: Projects 25-27 - MemeGenerator! |
Project28 - SecretNoteBook! LocalAuthentication - TouchID, FaceID, iOS Keychain, UITextView |
Project29 - Gorillas! Connect SpriteKit & UIKit, Texture Atlases, SKTransition, UISlider, SKView, presentScene |
Project30 - Instruments Instruments, Time Profiler & Allocation Instruments, CALayer |
Milestone: Projects 28-30 - Pairs! |