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Hiroki Kobayashi Design Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio repository.

  • This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.
  • For css coding, Material-ui is used as a CSS-in-js modules.
  • For development, no javascript files are allowed: you should write in typescript unless you have inevitable reason.

Getting Started

In this project, yarn is utilized to manage packages.

On cloning the repository, run


to install dependencies into node_modules directory.

Then, for development build, run

yarn dev

to see the result on http://localhost:3000.


  • components to store definitions of component. Files should be categorized.
  • lib to store custom libraries.
  • pages to store page-defining tsx files.
  • public to store image and typeface files. For example, you can access a file at public/img/example.png with the path "/img/example.png" in html attributes.
  • styles to store global style data. Even though Material-ui is used, this website does not follow the rule of material design. Thus, some files are out of Theme provided by material-ui, such as colours data.

How to add a work or blog:

  • You can add a new work by (1) adding a new element into worksData array at components/works/data.ts, (2) creating a new article file (which will be displayed at the top of individual page) in components-works-each directory, and (3) importing the article tsx file to components/works/each/index.ts and adding it to articleData object.
  • You can add a new blog by (1) creating a new tsx file in components/blog/each directory to export the written content as an array of BlogContent, and (2) adding the exported array to blogList object in components/blog/blogProvider.tsx.

Deployment on Vercel

This project is automatically deployed via Vercel, using Vercel extensions on GitHub. As pushed to master branch, the newest version will be deployed.